Safety Tips for Public Transportation in California

January 19, 2024 Personal injury

Public transportation systems like buses, metro systems, subways, street cars, trolleys, and ferries are economical and eco-friendly options for transportation within the community for work, school, errands, and entertainment. The vast majority of public transportation rides safely transport passengers to their destinations without issue, but accidents and injuries sometimes occur, despite the many rules and regulations put in place to protect public safety.

When an accident occurs or a passenger suffers a sudden unexpected injury while riding public transportation, it’s painful and confusing.

Liability issues are complex when an injured public transport passenger files a claim for compensation for common damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The Encino personal injury lawyers provide you with the best way to avoid a painful injury and complicated claim against a city agency: knowing what to watch out for and how to avoid common hazards on public transportation.

People on public transportation in the city

Be Wary of Negligent Operators

It’s important to stay alert and vigilant while using public transportation, including remaining aware of driver/operator behavior. If your driver appears to be intoxicated, drowsy, distracted by a cell phone, or operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner, get off at the nearest stop or request a stop. Note the vehicle’s identifying information and report the driver’s unsafe behavior to the appropriate company or city agency.

Avoid Crowded Conditions

It’s not always possible to choose the conditions of the bus, subway car, or train compartment you’re riding to reach your destination on time, but whenever possible, it’s safest to avoid crowded public transportation conditions. When public transport is overcrowded, people are forced to stand holding a rail, but this places them and others at increased risk of injury. Crowded conditions also make it more difficult and dangerous to exit a vehicle in an emergency. A crowded bus, train, or subway car also increases the risk that you’ll experience theft during the ride.

Be Careful on Public Platforms

Train, subway, and ferry platforms can pose significant safety hazards. Never run on a platform, even if you’re running late or trying to catch your ride. Platforms may have slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall hazards like spills, wetness from rain or snow, or trash and debris. Make sure you remain in well-lit areas when waiting on a train platform or bus stop.

Look for Well-Maintained Vehicles and Transit Systems

If a bus, train, ferry, or other form of public transportation isn’t well maintained or appears to be in a state of disrepair, it’s best to avoid it and seek another form of transportation. Improper vehicle maintenance is a common cause of accidents and injuries on public transportation systems.

Liability for Injuries on Public Transportation

When a passenger suffers a serious injury while using public transport, they may be able to recover compensation for their damages through a personal injury claim. Most public transportation systems are government entities, with specific requirements for lawsuits, including a shorter time limit for filing a claim.

If you’ve been injured while using public transportation, contact an experienced injury attorney can protect your rights and best interests throughout the process of your injury claim.

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