Woodland Hills Nursing Home Abuse

It is estimated that nearly 2 million Americans will live in nursing homes by 2030. While many nursing home residents receive the care they need, others are abused or neglected. If your loved one is injured because of the intentional acts of nursing homes or their employees, the Woodland Hills nursing home abuse team at Younglove Law Firm wants to help. Contact us today for a free case review.

What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse is the mistreatment of someone who resides in a long-term care facility. Perpetrators often target older adults for abuse because they may have cognitive problems that prevent them from recognizing or reporting the abuse. There are several different types of nursing home abuse, including:

  • Physical abuse – The use of force to harm or threaten physical harm to the resident
  • Emotional abuse – Verbal attacks, isolation, rejection, or demeaning acts or words that can cause emotional distress
  • Sexual abuse – Forced sexual contact or sexual contact with a person who is unable to grant consent
  • Financial exploitation – Stealing or misusing a nursing home resident’s money or property
  • Neglect – Failing to provide for the basic needs of a nursing home resident

Statistics and Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Here are some alarming statistics and potential warning signs of various types of nursing home abuse:

Physical Abuse

Approximately 64% of nursing home staff members admitted to abusing a patient in their care within the last year, according to the World Health Organization. Physical abuse is the most common type of abuse reported, according to the Office for Victims of Crime. One in five emergency room visits for nursing home residents was due to abuse or neglect, according to the Office of Inspector General.

Signs of physical abuse include:

  • Broken bones
  • Cuts
  • Bruises
  • Welts
  • Other unexplained physical injuries
  • Missing medication
  • Lethargic behavior due to overmedication
  • Lack of medical aids, such as a walker, hearing aid, or glasses

Sexual Abuse

Since 2000, about 16,000 reports of sexual abuse have been made pertaining to long-term care facilities. More than 1,000 nursing homes have been cited for sexual abuse in a recent four-year period with about 100 of these involving nursing homes with multiple reports against them.

Warning signs of sexual abuse include:

  • The victim’s reports
  • Unexplained sexually transmitted infections
  • Torn, stained, or bloody undergarments

Verbal Abuse

19.4% of nursing home abuse complaints were regarding verbal abuse and other forms of psychological abuse, according to the Office for Victims of Crime. Warning signs of verbal abuse include:

  • Unusual changes in behavior
  • Isolation or unresponsiveness
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Fear around a particular caregiver
  • Changes in sleep patterns

Financial Abuse

7.9% of nursing home abuse complaints relate to financial abuse, according to the Office for Victims of Crime. Warning signs of financial abuse include:

  • Unusual changes in banking activity
  • A newly added name on accounts or other financial documents
  • Unpaid bills
  • Missing property


While the Office for Victims of Crime reports that 15.3% of nursing home abuse complaints are regarding gross neglect, the U.S. Justice Department believes that only one out of every 57 cases are actually reported. Poor living conditions, unexplained weight loss, and untreated bed sores are common warning signs of neglect.

Contact Our Van Nuys Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer for Assistance

If you believe your loved one is being abused, contact the Younglove Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation.